The Center's responsibilities are as follows:
Manage NTNU's publications
Planning: Handle calls for publications and implement related projects, and invite and assist NTNU faculty members, students, and domestic and overseas experts and scholars to write and publish academic publications.
Publishing: Handle text editing, art editing, printing, digitalization, and establishment of digital publication platform.
Sales and issuance: Establish a distribution network and handle publication sales and inventory management.
Administrative affairs: Handle publishing related funds, accounts copyright, publishing regulations, inventory and sales, statistical reports, and contracts. Assist units of NTNU with applying for GPN, ISBN, and CIP, maintaining bibliographic data, submitting electronic files, and system update and inspection, and also handle affairs related to other government publications.
Manage NTNU's gift shop
Plan souvenirs: Integrate NTNU resources to develop cultural creative products, design gifts and carry out production, in order to provide current faculty members/students/alumni/graduates/trainees/visitors with a wide selection of innovative souvenirs, and thereby expand NTNU's source of funds.
Sales and issuance: Establish gift distribution and handle sales.
License management: NTNU copyright management (collection of originals and metadata cataloging)
Product management Incoming/outgoing, replace defective goods, replenish stock.
Job Description English
姓名 | 職稱 | 電話 | 承辦事項 |
陳志洪 | 主任 | (02)7749-5293 | 綜理出版中心業務與經營規劃 |
廖怡萍 | 編審 | (02)7749-5286 |
雷盛淳 |
專任助理 | (02)7749-5289 |
蘇育萱 | 行政秘書 | (02)7749-5274 |
温家葦 | 行政專員 | (02)7749-5297 |
陳靜怡 | 行政專員 | (02)7749-5229 |
蘇靜暄 | 專任助理 | (02)7749-5285 |
林欣 | 專任助理 | (02)7749-5205 |
官靖瑜 | 專任助理 | (02)7749-5258 |
許馨文 | 專任助理 | (02)7749-5279 |
廖怡萍 | 編審 |